Lesson 5 – Picturing Your New Structure!

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Picturing Your New Structure! Before we can have a new structure, we need to get a picture of what it needs to be. It’s time to get a new picture in our brains that aligns with the reality of who God has created us to be and who he is living […]

Lesson 4 – No Longer a Victim of Circumstances

The Ultimate Journey Overview: No Longer a Victim of Circumstances Are we childish slaves living as victims or are we free adults with choices? The law of sowing and reaping shows us we need to stop spending our time and energy focusing on what we don’t want and start sowing seeds that will produce the […]

Lesson 3 – Structure Determines Results

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Structure Determines Results Just as a cattle chute is a structure that ensures every cow entering it will end up in the same place, our minds are like mental cattle chutes. No matter how badly we want things to change, unless we change our mental structure, we will continue to get […]

Lesson 2 – Who Am I Really?

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Who Am I Really? Any paradigm we accept of ourselves, for ourselves, becomes our “name.” What name did we learn to identify with as a child? God has given us a new name. Have we learned to identify with our new name, or are we still identifying with our old name? […]

Lesson 1 – Now What?

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Now What? Now that we have signed over the Title Deed to our lives, life, as we knew it, is gone. It’s not about self-improvement or trying to fix ourselves. The life of Christ is now in us. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ […]