Become A Facilitator

The Ultimate Journey Now that you have completed Phase 1, are you thinking that others must experience this healing and freedom just as you did? If so, you are not alone. Your facilitator, and many others, responded to the call to allow God to work through them to provide the same safe space to share […]

Next Steps

The Ultimate Journey Why Go On To Phase 2.pdf Coming Soon. Phase 1 Affirmations MP3 digital download available for purchase. These affirmations declare the truth about who you are, how God sees you, and how others should properly view you. As you listen to these audio affirmations, you will hear important truths you needed to […]

Lesson 12 – Saying Goodbye and Moving Forward

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Saying Goodbye and Moving Forward: This lesson empowers participants to finally cut the cord from the lies they learned to believe and patterns that resulted from them. It also enables them to release all the emotions that have been triggered by the painful events of their past. And, it equips them […]

Lesson 11 – The Joy of Grieving Your Lifetime Losses

The Ultimate Journey Overview: The Joy of Grieving Your Lifetime Losses: Grief is the feeling that ushers in healing! But, in order to grieve, we must first face, accept, and count our losses without trying to push away or manipulate reality. We must be willing to feel the feelings, express the emotion, and discharge it […]

Lesson 10 – Your Adult Years

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Your Adult Years: Refusal to acknowledge reality with its problems, needs, limitations, ignorance, sin, and personal responsibilities will not make the issues go away. It just renders those who deny it incapable of effectively dealing with reality. Sooner or later we will have to face the fruit of the seed that […]

Lesson 9 – Your Young Adult Years

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Your Young Adult Years: Our struggle during these years is to fight against the tyranny of old patterns that can destroy our growth and dreams in life. We need to outgrow them by adopting and practicing new ones. To do that, we need to strip off our old mindsets and deliberately […]

Lesson 8 – Your High School Years

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Your High School Years: When we have grown and developed enough to know God for ourselves, he summons us to cut the cords that bind us to false, temporary God-substitutes. We discover the things we began using to fill the pain and void in our hearts during these years and how […]

Lesson 7 – Your Middle School-Jr. High Years

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Your Middle School/Jr. High Years: Children videotape whatever they see their caretakers doing and store it away for future reference. Later, they act out those patterns as an adult. By analyzing our family systems, we can become aware of any negative patterns that we are repeating or don’t want to repeat […]

Lesson 6 – Your Life Story

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Your Life Story: You are not what happened to you. You are not what you did or failed to do or what others have led you to believe you are. You may not even be what you are doing now. If this is true, then who are you? It is discovering […]

Lesson 5 – Your Elementary School Years

The Ultimate Journey Overview: Your Elementary School Years: Many of us carry around shame for what we have done or what has been done to us. This generally results in self-rejection, chronic inner turmoil, and emotional distress. It often produces abuse of self and others, addictive behaviors, and an inability to have healthy, nurturing, intimate […]